The Parry Sound Tourism website contains a vast repertoire of recreational activities, accommodation and events in the Parry Sound area. Whether you're a long time resident or a first-time visitor, this is where you'll find everything you need to plan a great time in Parry Sound.
The Georgian Bay Biosphere Reserve's Amazing Places Project provides opportunities to educate and inspire visitors about their natural surroundings and to create a connection that can quickly become powerful and deeply personal.
Amazing Places is a mapping project launched by the Fundy Biosphere Reserve in New Brunswick. It began with the desire to guide visitors beyond the national park boundaries, and especially promote hiking in the region’s vast but unknown trail networks.
Through the support of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport, three biosphere reserves in Ontario are launching an Ontario Amazing Places pilot project, which will highlight the biospheres’ unique environmental significance for interpretation and trail planning. For more information, please visit The Georgian Bay Biosphere website.
The Parry Sound Area’s natural environment is saturated with lush wilderness, filled with inland lakes and borders on Georgian Bay, a UNESCO designated World Biosphere Reserve. Area recreational facilities capitalize on and support the beautiful natural environment that is present in the Area. Supported by a strong network of public, private and volunteer groups and organizations, the natural and built environments offer endless opportunities for year round recreation and leisure.
Outdoor Trails:
The community has extensive trail systems weaving throughout the renowned Precambrian geology covered in windswept pines. The backbone of the trail system is courtesy of the Park to Park Trail Association which maintains a 230 km trail developed to link Algonquin National Park to Killbear Provincial Park. The trail system includes the 75 km Rose Point Trail and will soon incorporate Killbear Provincial Park’s 6.5 km recreational trail. Other trails in the Parry Sound Area include the Georgian Nordic Ski and Canoe Club’s 25 km trail navigating through rustic backcountry and the 6.5 km Fitness Trail running through the Town of Parry Sound’s urban area and along the Georgian Bay waterfront. The trails provide a year round playground for outdoor activities including snowmobiling, ATVing, horseback riding, dog sledding, Nordic skiing, snowshoeing, biking, and hiking.
Water Activities:
The Parry Sound Area has many lakes that are desirable for different water activities, and of course Georgian Bay. The waters are perfect for canoeing, kayaking, fishing, sailing, swimming, boating, and water sport activities. These activities are facilitated by multiple access areas, lessons and rentals offered locally. Residents can also enjoy the waters at one of the nine municipal beaches or while scuba diving at the area’s 31 shipwrecks. Recreational Organizations and Facilities: The Parry Sound Area has a multitude of recreational facilities, including a skate park providing a structured space for youth, multiple golf courses catering to various skill levels and arenas for different events, such as hockey and skating in the winter months.
Art and Culture in the Parry Sound Area:
The Parry Sound Area’s cultural highlight is the spectacular Charles W. Stockey Centre, a 480 seat venue that hosts the renowned Festival of the Sound and year-round programming. The centre is surrounded by a community rich in art, culture, and history. The Bobby Orr Hall of Fame, located at the same location, chronicles the more recent rise of the community’s hockey legend.
The Parry Sound Area’s cultural highlight is the spectacular Charles W. Stockey Centre, a 480 seat venue that hosts the renowned Festival of the Sound and year-round programming. The centre is surrounded by a community rich in art, culture, and history. The Bobby Orr Hall of Fame, located at the same location, chronicles the more recent rise of the community’s hockey legend.
Another helpful resource for tourism in the Parry Sound Area is the Georgian Bay Country website.