The Municipality of McDougall is reviewing its Official Plan!
The Official Plan (pdf 404kb) and schedules (pdf 9.2mb) for the Municipality of McDougall is currently under review. An Official Plan is a policy document that establishes the long-term vision and goals for the Municipality's future growth and development. The Planning Act, the legislated authority that regulates land use planning in Ontario, requires that municipalities update their Official Plans through a formal review every five (5) years. The current Municipal Official Plan was last amended in 2015, and the Municipality is commencing an Official Plan review as required by the Planning Act.Official Plan Review Virtual Open House
Draft Official Plan Proposed for Ministry Review
This report has been prepared for the April 6, 2022 meeting of Council to provide an overview of the updated Draft Official Plan, following the presentation of the Draft Official Plan to Council on February 16, 2022.
Based on the comments that were received, an updated Draft Official Plan has been prepared and is dated April, 2022. A summary of the comments that were received at the February 16, 2022 are included in this report. In addition to the comments, a summary of the responses and a summary of the revisions that were made from the last draft of the Official Plan are included.
McDougall Official Plan - Staff Report for Ministry Review Document - 6 April 2022 (.PDF 1,192 kb)
The Council Meeting proceedings can be viewed on the municipal YouTube channel
First Draft of Official Plan
Next Steps:
Receive comments on the first draft of the Official Plan for the consideration of staff when preparing the next Draft. Comments can be provided to . Following the comment period an Open House and Statutory Public Meeting will be scheduled, details of the open house will be provided in accordance with the Planning Act. Be sure to subscribe at the bottom of this page under "Stay Informed" to the "OP Review & Zoning Update" in order to be included on electronic circulations.
What We Heard Report
Draft Background Report
What are the next steps?